Below are many different ways points can be identified and used. The gable of the barn and the rail of the porch come together in a point. The other four images are objects acting as the focal point. The light switch is a focal point on a plain wall. The lock is a focal point on the door. The knob is a focal point on the cabinet. And the radio is a focal point in my den.
Vertical Lines
The vertical line in the chair draws your eye up from the group. The wood paneling also draws your eye up the room.
Diagonal Lines
Here are several different representations of diagonal lines. The diagonal lines in the Chaco shoes imply a casualness. The barn and fence both have diagonal lines as support.
Horizontal Lines
The horizontal likes in the barn wall have quite a calming effect. The repetitive horizontal lines in the bricks at order and patter to the wall.
Organic Lines
These curves can be seen as organic lines. The handle of the coffee cup moves your eye around the object. The sink faucet moves your eye from the faucet down into the sink. The organic lines in the doormat add a whimsical feel.
Structural Lines
Structural lines can be seen as horizontal, vertical, diagonal, or sometimes other types of lines. Above the three left pictures show diagonal lines as support lines also. The combination of the vertical and horizontal lines in the chair provide support and balance for the chair.
Implied Lines
There are implied lines in the brick photo because when you look from far away there appear to be vertical lines, however they are dashed. The corn stalks imply a line in the void between them. The hanging peas are not continuous vertical lines, thus they are implied. The circular placemat looks as though there are many circles on it, but really it is just a round pattern.
Natural Shapes
As seen above many shapes come from nature. The different flowers show that a bouquet of flowers can make a different shape than one individual flower. The leaves on the muscadine vine create a very nature specific type shape. Also the two watermelon pictures show that different shapes can come from the same fruit in nature.
Geometric Shapes
These pictures show a variety of different geometric shapes. There are circles, rectangles, squares and triangles represented. Each have their own distinct shape and can be seen in a vast array of ways.
Abstract Shapes
The pain glass photo shoes distorted flowers. The bottom left photo is some type of animal skin wallet. Both of these are vaguely recognizable but are distorted in ways where the viewer has to try to figure out what it is. The same goes for the plastic bag and t-shirt. At first glance the viewer can't exactly recognize what it is, but after further inspection they can.
Non-Representational Shapes
These images show a variety of non-representational shapes. These photos are unidentifiable in my opinion and you'd only really know what they were if they each had titles.